
Below you will find the most frequently asked questions and our answers to them. Do you have a specific question? Don't hesitate to call us!


For technical and security reasons we supply exclusively to automotive companies

You can request a free login. You will then get direct access to the full website and the webshop.

Once you are logged in, you can make your changes under My Car Lock > Company details.

Use our handy dealer locator to quickly find your nearest CLS provider. Ask for a car key or lock from Car Lock Systems at this car garage, brand dealer or bodyshop.

Car Lock Systems The Netherlands

Customer service

+31 183 30 52 22

Financial Department

+31 183 30 52 20

Are you a private individual?
Use our handy dealer locator to quickly find your nearest CLS provider. Ask for a car key or lock from Car Lock Systems at this car garage, brand dealer or bodyshop.

Visitor’s address

Car Lock Systems
Zweihaak 1
4251 LT Werkendam
The Netherlands

Postal address

Car Lock Systems
PO Box 131
4250 DC Werkendam
The Netherlands

Company details

Vat-number: NL8047.69.552.B.01
Chamber of Commerce number: 18045446

Bank details the Netherlands

IBAN: NL56RABO0357018508

Bank details Sweden

IBAN: SE3460000000000659647362

Bank details Denmark

IBAN: DK0273120001036278