Summer temperatures: key does not turn in ignition lock

Ignition lock no longer turns
A mechanical ignition switch consists of an ignition switch housing, ignition switch cylinder and shear bolts. These materials all react differently to extremely high and low temperatures. For example, the pins in the lock expand, causing the key to not fit properly in the lock. The ignition lock cylinder locks up and cannot be removed from the ignition lock housing for replacement.

The ignition locks of the following models are the most sensitive to hot weather:
Commercial vehicles and delivery vans: Peugeot Boxer, Citroën Jumper, Fiat Ducato, Fiat Doblo, Opel Combo D, Peugeot Bipper, Citroën Nemo
Passenger cars: Fiat Qubo, Ford Ka
What to do now?
If the key no longer turns in the ignition, there is an acute problem for the owner. The company car needs to be back on the road as soon as possible so that work can continue. They often encounter the same problems:
● Long waiting time for new parts
● Forced removal of the cylinder, destroying other components
● High cost of replacing the complete lock set (parts, labour and programming of a new key)
In addition, alternative cylinders are often supplied with a random key code. The key supplied does not have a transponder and therefore cannot be programmed.
The solution

Car Lock Systems has these contact locks ready for use in stock. The advantages for your customer:
● Delivered within 24 hours
● Original OEM quality
● Ready-made solution
● Can be installed within 30 minutes
● No new key needed
● Low price
The same problem can also occur at extremely low temperatures, we wrote about this earlier in our Winter Alert.
OEM ignition lock articles in stock:
1361031080, 46858318, 46862626, 1348421080, 1392214080, 46858319, 46862627, 46543447, 46734572, 7622034, 46753084, 60816261, 46760152, 46760767, 61001501, 1329316080, 46751427, 46798124, 60662120, 46819068, 60816261, 46862627, 1371430080, 1392214080, 1682478480, 1635156880, 46858319, 46839881, 46845361, 51927279, 51749998, 51793074, 51813197, 52182633, 51800628, 61039101, 61039102, 61039103, 61039104, 52180852, 51800628, 51793869, 52182823, 51874137, 51929108, 51928526, 51865543, 52182634, 1392212080, 4162HN, 46858318, 46862626, 1361031080, 1371429080, 50554207, 50525550, 50525430, 50518629, 50531489, 50525429, 51977345, 52068344, 51977345, 52068343, 60657419, 50554208, 60615145, 60588835, 96854027, 60620308, 60545923, 1686219680, 1611561680, 4162VQ, 1612311080, 1626717280, 1612378480, 4162TY, 1680450380, 1680530680, 95599956, 95599957, 1937167, 1929353, 4162VN, 4162VP, 4162SK, 4162NL, 4162CS, 4162CT, 4162VE, 71765763, 71728833, 71729482, 71744152, 71744160, 71744161, 71751599, 71751600, 71751634, 71751635, 71751636, 71765216, 71765385, 71765386, 71765475, 71765692, 71765695, 71765695, 71765766, 71771079, 71771080, 71771081, 71777421, 6000626819, 6000626820, 6000626821, 6000626822, 6000626823, 6000626824, 6000626825, 6000626826, 6000628100, 6000629228, 6000629229, 6000629615, 6000629616, 6000630773, 6000630774, 6000630775, 6000630776, 6000630777, 6000630778, 6000630778, 6000631341, 6000631342, 71733234, 71744174, 71744175, 71746335, 71746337, 71749161, 71749163, 71751583, 71751584, 71751585, 71751587, 71751588, 71751591, 71751592, 71752584, 71752585, 71752586, 71753255, 71753256, 71753257, 71769322, 71771073, 71771075, 71771076, 71771077, 71771078, 71773951, 71773952, 71776131, 71776132, 71776133, 71776135, 71776894, 71776895, 6000627332, 6000627333, 6000628564, 6000628565, 6000629436, 6000629437, 6000631464, 6000631465, 6000631466, 6000631467